VBA Constants

I mean to pass a parameter to a VBA Sub, ensuring that it is not modified. I would do that in C as void mysub const int i. What is the recommended i.simplest, most portable, etc. way of achieving the same in VBA, if any? The question is about item 3 below. There is an accepted answer, but the vba...

VBA Constants

Sometimes you need to refer to a value or string that never changes. Vba const shown in the following examples, you declare constants by using the Const statement. For example, if your procedure needs to refer to a specific value such as sheet thickness several vba const. It is better to declare the value as a constant and refer to its name rather than the value. This vba const your code more readable and easier to change. When sheet thickness changes, you have to change only one statement rather than several. Like variables, constants have a scope. Keep these points in mind:• To make vba const constant available to all procedures in a module, declare the constant in the Declarations section for the module. To make a constant available to all modules, use the Public keyword and declare the constant in the Declarations section of any module. If you attempt to change the value of a constant in a VBA routine, you get an error. Unlike a variable, the value of a constant does not vary. If vba const need...

Const statement (VBA)

In this article Used to define for Visual Basic. Name of the ; follows standard naming conventions. expression Required. Literal, other conditional compiler constant, or any combination that includes any or all arithmetic or logical except Is. Remarks Conditional compiler constants are always to the in which they appear. It's not possible to create compiler constants by using the Const directive. Public compiler const

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